Posted in Diary, Indonesia, Travel

Wonosobo Free Tour

IT was shocking me when I knew that we, cah andong, got invited to the launching event of Wonosobo blogger community. This was not my first time actually going to Wonosobo as I ever went there last year. Something made us-especially me excited- was accommodation fully provided for free. (banana dance).

The committee told us that, beside, the main point of the event was a launching event of Serayu Blogger Community (the official name of Wonosobo Blogger Community), most of the event was traveling around the town. Enjoying Wonosobo and all the beautiful views and interesting places offered. Then hey.. we five eventually decided to be a kind of delegation of CA and be a part of that event: me, Nico Wijaya, Alle, Gunawan, dan Iphan. Although on the second day, other four members also came: Paman Tyo, mas Iman Brotoseno, mas Zam, Chiw dan Sita.

Here we go….

di depan spanduk acara.
the suspected TKI...
alle, fickry, iphan, gunawan, and nico. Lima jelata yang dikira anak SMK ketika pertama kali tiba di lokasi acara. Huhuhu…

Well, I ‘m not gonna share you guys how I reached in detail that place, there are gonna be many other bloggers wrote it out. :p

On the first day, we joined in Kirab, it was a kind of anniversary of this town, already 184 years old.. it’s pretty old anyway … the ceremonial was a bit bored actually as I was -sorry- not that kind of person who really likes ceremony things and bla bla bla…

We then continued the trip to the Pusat Kerajinan Batik Sapuran. They had their own batik, and the pattern was only ‘Purwaceng and Carica’ which was special plants of Wonosobo, and incridibly just can live in that area – around Dieng Plateu… and the last agenda of the day was having dinner with … let say Bupati Wonosobo.. *hahaha, I’m pretty lazy to find the term*

Well, on the second day, We went to the Puncak Sikunir, Dieng Plateu.. wow.. it was pretty high.. and the track was so so….. was not really hard for beginners. But hey, u’ll find the beautiful view after hardly reaching the top of the hill … Goshh… it was damn so great…

The view
The view

The Tour didn’t stop until this object only. We then moved on guys… hoho… ehmm.. the next destinations were Telaga Tiga Warna and Candi Arjuna. After taking some pictures around the temples we then went on for having lunch together. We had Mie Ongklok which was uniqe one of the town. Hoho.. the taste was really yummy and sweety.. but it was still worthed to try anyway… and this lunch was the last agenda we had there. It was very awesome buddy..

A pose in front of one of the temples

Once more…thank you for the committees who kindly serviced us through the days. It was really nice and unforgettable… hehe.. Do not hesitate to contact us if there’s another event like this again.hehe.. *dipentung*

and you guys, the readers, sorry.. this writing is really bad.. and definitely awful… hahaha.. I’m not in the mood. :p

Wonosobo’s Facts:

1) The bus driever called us as high school students (SMK) as we stayed at BLK (Blaia Latyihan Kerja) where many TKI (overseas  employee candidates) got training.

2) All cars which brought us going around Wonosobo is belonging to Bowo Jenggot. *hey, he has hundreds cars, anyway (woot)*

the sticker of Bowo Jenggot is on every single car he has.
the sticker of Bowo Jenggot is on every single car he has.

3) 2/3 of Dieng Plateu area belongs to Banjarsari, while Wonosobo owns the rest only, but most people are gonna saya Wonosobo is Dieng, and Dieng is Wonosobo. *what a coincidence*.

4) We had our first lunch at “Pemancingan Resto bla bla bla…, but hey, we got chicken for lunch.. :p* a bit funny.. but still awesome..

5) Batik of Wonosobo only has two kinds of pattern: Purwaceng and Carica. Those plants are Wonosobo brand.


He calls himself a simple social butterfly as he frequently engages in social media such as blogs and micro blogging. Indonesian living in Singapore.

54 thoughts on “Wonosobo Free Tour

  1. inget Wonosobo inget Adem, inget KKN *satu Tema dengan Unit KKN ku*, trus inget Wonosobo inget Carica, dan tentu saja Dieng… *curhat sendiri* :mrgreen:

  2. @roza: hehe.. makanya jgn kebnayakan blog..hehe…

    @mb rita: mas Iman…rmmm,,, ntar tak upload fotonya juga…hehe..

    @chiw: iyaaaaaa…. haha..udah dibenerin..wkwk… kamu sih…mendua.. :p

    @KIP: hoho…nexttime bro..

    @rafael: 5 sekawan..hehe..iya… kinda adventure..

    @amel: huahaha.. curcol bu? kpn maen ke jogja lagi oi..

    @escoret: yes I am.. :p *dipentung*

    @funkshit: hahaha.. i have my own timeeeee!!!

    @nico: wkwkwk…. pukpukpuk…


  3. very interesting! i really really wanted to be there with you guys, i wanted to capture the exotism of dieng plateu, and telaga tiga warna, and the temple, and everything. unfortunately i had to be in jakarta at the moment. perhaps some other time, i’d visit the site myself đŸ™‚

  4. akhirnya u kembali lagi ya bang
    sama aku juga baru kembali……….habiz aku kelamaan nginep di rumahnya si blue sih hahahhaha..
    salam hangat dalam 2 musimnya blue

  5. @chika: *pentung2* *siletin* *bakar2*

    @fahmi: yes brotha.. u should be there..!!! it was awesome!! đŸ™‚

    @kezedot: hahahha.. iya bro… kangen ngeblog.. đŸ˜€

  6. @cantigi: udah pernah ke bandung….. tus aku kopdar dg tmn2 batagor di kafe Coklat di belakang gedung Sate.. rame gt kang..hehehe..

  7. Le..le koe iku ngomong opo to?Wkwkwk…
    Haha, enak’x yg ke Wonosobo rek…
    Ora ngertos when I can go to that place, wkwkwk…
    *Bahasa Jawa Vs Bahasa Planet :p

  8. @abie: iya bro…indah..dingin..dan mistis…perpaduan yg menarik,, begitu kata bupatinya…hehe

    @sawali: hehe..gak tau nih mas.. tabrakan dg acara di Jakarta jg.. đŸ˜€

    @malik: iya..

    @KangBoed: hueeeeeeeeeee…. kang bud komen…(banana dance) :p

    @iphan: emang biasanya? (ninja)

  9. @angga: ntar sabtu minggu depan ada acara di ponorogo klo sampeyan mau dtg… trus jgn lupa ikut PB 2009 di tgl 24 oktober ntar d jakarta..hehe

    @indah: itu emang caknyo program dinpar wonosobo nda..secara kota itu butuh promosi jugo..hehe

    @ridu: indeed. :p

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    Dieng Plateau has to sunrises can be seen from Tieng Village and Complex of temple Dieng…

  11. saya tertarik dengan bisnis bowojenggot, tapi saya belum paham sistem kerja yang luar biasa ini.. mohon diberikan informasinya kepada saya .trim.( azwar di magetan jatim ) dan pertayaan saya : apakah bisnis ini bisa dikembangkan di luar pulau jawa…tx

  12. ternyata udah ke puncak Sikunir jg yah……….

    ga’ nyangka Indonesia punya alam seperti itu yah…
    kalo jalan2 ajak2 donk…. coz sama2 pecinta TOURING

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