Posted in Diary

Outing with Detik [dot] Com

On last Friday to Sunday (Nov 28-30, 2008), a group of DetikCom employees came to DetikCom Jogja. We were all involved in Mobile Content Division and also marketing and promotion. It was kind of gathering. We stayed in Ibis Hotel which was in the center of Jogja (Malioboro street). Then, those three days we spent in various places in Jogja. In the morning, we had breakfast at SGPC (sego pecel = nasi pecel) at around UGM, then went to Parangtritis beach, then in the afternoon – mostly evening, we went to Borobudur temple, and the first day finished on Malioboro street.

Here are the photos…

The wave was so good on the day….

but be careful, we couldn’t swim cuz the wave was so big…

it was dangerous even for surfing.

From Jakarta…., they missed something in that busy city. Jogja offers something fun… *lebay mode on*

Then, we went to Borobudur….

It was still great since i went there about several month ago…

It was so cool, mate!

Outbound with Jogja Adventure in Kaliurang, Merapi.

It was a kind of yelling? it was obviously weird…

So far, those three days were really fun…..


He calls himself a simple social butterfly as he frequently engages in social media such as blogs and micro blogging. Indonesian living in Singapore.

32 thoughts on “Outing with Detik [dot] Com

  1. @burock
    dasar lu ya..narsis…aku udah memfasilitasi loh…gratis lagi di blogku.. :p

    hahaha..ya muuv buuuuu..

    hah?? wah wiwid login pake akunku..wkwkk..

  2. great! it should have been more amusing if i were there with you all. huehehehe…

    dulu ngelmu di Oz sebelah mana, fick? melbourne atau sydney? *melirik kedua foto di sidebar*

  3. @wiwid
    oi oi juga??? loh kok pake blogdetik? kirain krmn WP?

    hoho..i wish i could…

    gw di Canberra kmrn acarana..6 bulanan gt deh di univ of Canberra
    sempet maen2 ke melbuni dan sydney juga….jga smpt jalan ke wollonggong..hoho..

    pengen balik lagi..kapan ya????

  4. @realylife
    gambar paling bawah pake topi bulet 😀

    dingin maksudnya?..xixii

    ayo kopdar bareng di jogja…jaaaaaahh…

    wkwkw…aseli..mantap bgt pecelna..xixi..tuh kakina temen sya…

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